Roly Santa Claus
Embark on an enchanting adventure with Kitsune-Zenko, a captivating game inspired by Japanese folklore. The term "kitsune" translates to fox, while "zenko" means good, distinguishing this benevolent creature from its darker counterparts. Your quest is to assist this charming little fox in his journey back home by collecting diamonds and cherries scattered throughout various levels.
However, beware of lurking enemies that await at every turn! Players must navigate through an array of obstacles while employing strategic jumps and movements to evade or defeat adversaries. By utilizing the game pad, you can control the fox's movements, with a dedicated jump button for soaring over foes. To complete each level, ensure all diamonds are collected and any enemies are either avoided or dispatched!
Kitsune-Zenko boasts unique features, including 10 thrilling and demanding levels that await your exploration. Experience two camera modes to enhance your gameplay as you traverse expansive maps filled with diverse enemies, each posing a different challenge. The retro-style platform gameplay appeals to both new and seasoned gamers, while the game pad support ensures smooth control during your adventure. Enjoy the convenience of auto-saving your level progress and dive into this free adventure world game that allows offline play.
To play Kitsune-Zenko, use your game pad to navigate your character around the screen. Press the jump button to leap over obstacles and enemies. Focus on collecting all diamonds and cherries to progress through the levels while avoiding being caught by your enemies. Happy gaming!
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